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Signs You're Getting Fitter—Even If the Scale Hasn't Budged

There are many signs you're becoming more fit. Weight loss is not necessarily one of them.

Your Body Is Stronger

Are you noticing that you're reaching for heavier weights or more resistance during your workouts? Or maybe you've noticed you can chase after your kids and not be so tired or walking stairs more than escalator without having to stop to catch your breath.


You're Happier and Less Stressed

Many studies have shown that there is a strong relationship between physical activity and mental health. Exercise has been proven to protect against getting depression and anxiety.


You Feel More Rested

Exercise has been proven to not only boost your daytime energy, but your sleep quality too.


You're Mentally Sharper

Many studies show the benefits of regular physical activity on brain health—both healthy brains and diseased brains.


Should You Toss Your Scale?

The number on your scale is not worth fixating on—but that doesn't mean weighing yourself is a complete waste for some people. Having objective data to look at can help move people toward change. Keep moving and push yourself a little harder when things are getting easier. You'll see the rewards in time.

Walking Is One of the Best Cardio Workouts

Walking is an excellent type of cardio activity. But in order to challenge your cardiovascular system, you need to walk at a pace and intensity that increases the demands on your heart, lungs, and muscles.


You're never TOO OLD

You're never too old to get moving, get stronger and improve your health. Fitting exercise and physical activity into your day can enhance your life in so many ways. Regular physical activity can improve your balance and boost or maintain your strength and fitness.

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