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Health Vs. Retirement


I was hiking in Europe last month and met up with a group of retired accountants. They're in their 60s, 3 are still fit though 1 of the husband can hardly walk. He looked strong but is a bit too heavy now. I asked him whether he used to be a sportsman, he said yes. Played competitive basketball and broke his ankle badly. As he pile on so much weight over the years, he was unable to get fit plus his work was very stressful. It gets me thinking how many of my peers are in this situation. Many are stress at work, some couldn't handle the stress causing them sleepless nights. Some resort to binge eating as they work late into the night. Some just said "No time" to do anything. Yet many of them insist "once they retire" ah -huh! they'll be able to do this and that.

No one can predict how long we live. But we can ensure we are in tip top condition to reap the rewards of all the years of hard earn money. When you've no health, no matter how much money you've amass, you won't be able to enjoy it fully. Regrettably, the physical limitations that come with age also hinder the exploration you might yearn for. The energy and resilience we once possessed have waned, and if you're unfit, your body no longer cooperates as it once did. The opportunities to engage in physically demanding activities dwindle.

If you're an avid traveler, do not wait till retirement. Find time when you're young and fit. Seize the chance to explore, to learn, and to grow while your body is strong.


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